Membership Updates

We’re pleased to let you know that we will be rolling out some improvements for your public facing memberships pages that will make it easier for your members to both register...

We’re pleased to let you know that we will be rolling out some improvements for your public facing memberships pages that will make it easier for your members to both register and renew.

This is our first step towards making a more excellent membership experience both for administrators and especially for your members. Here are some of the improvements you will see with this latest update:

• You will see that Memberships has fallen into line with the Events interface making for a clearer checkout experience for members.

Each Membership Level has it’s own page, meaning you can now point members and potential members to a specific page for a clearer starting point. This will also make it easier for you to promote.

• We have further cleaned up and improved the various registration stepsthat your members have to go through in order to confirm details, register and pay you.

• It’s a more mobile friendly experience for your members. We know many of your members register on the phone while trying to do all of the other things in their life. Creating a mobile experience which was extremely straight forward and intuitive was a priority for us.

This is the first stage to ensuring that the memberships experience is an outstanding one for both you, and your members.

Let us know if you have any queries about it 😎

Isaak Dury
Jun 5, 2018 • 2 min read
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